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Property2 Property

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Sets or returns a raw property value by name, specifying encryption.




Step.Property2(ByVal name As String, Boolean encrypt) As Variant


Sets or returns the property value (if True is passed for the encrypt parameter when getting, any encrypted values will be returned with the value masked).  For non-array properties, it can be a Boolean value (check fields), a Long value (drop-down list combo or radio button fields), or a String value (string fields or properties holding a field override value).  For array properties (grid fields), the returned value is a variant array with a lower bound of 0.


To determine the name of each property for a built-in custom action, create a step for that action in the GUI, save the project, open the .bld file in a text editor, and examine the elements under that step element in the file.  The type of a property indicates the data type of the value (3 = integer, 8 = string, 11 = Boolean).





       Step object



       Required. Name of step property to set or retrieve (case-sensitive matching).  If the property does not exist, Missing is returned.


See Also


Applies to Step object