View Full Version : Not enough storage is available to complete this operation

05-17-2011, 10:33 AM
I am parsing a XML file therefore I have a VBScript step like seen in your samples:

' load the XML file
Set msxml = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
msxml.async = False

' store the node list and starting index in VBP temporary macros
'vbld_TempMacros().Add "NODELIST", msxml.selectNodes("//path[[not(.=preceding::path) and ../../msg[[contains(., '%CURRENT_BT_NUMBER%')]] ]]")
vbld_TempMacros().Add "NODELIST", msxml.selectNodes("//path[[not(.=preceding::path[[../../msg[[contains(., '%CURRENT_BT_NUMBER%')]] ]]) and ../../msg[[contains(., '%CURRENT_BT_NUMBER%')]] ]]")
vbld_TempMacros().Add "NODEIDX", 0
Today I've got an error for the first time :

17.5.2011 11:52:53: Building project step 'Query for nodes(only unique and related paths)'...
Error in Run Script (VBScript) script code at Line 8, Column 1 (Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.
17.5.2011 11:56:45: Step 'Query for nodes(only unique and related paths)' failed

Any idea what is causing this?
I have a list of numbers in a text file ,I parse the text file and for every number I get from the xml a list of nodes.
The current number during the failure has just one node inside the xml but I noticed the previous number has a lot of nodes-still I do not understand why this error appears and always at the same number.

05-17-2011, 10:52 AM
ZIP and post the XML, .bld, and log files and the info from Help | About | Install Info, or send to support@kinook.com. Thanks.

05-17-2011, 01:28 PM
I just send the zip to support@kinook.com.

05-18-2011, 08:23 AM
That does seem to be a rather memory intensive query. It appears to cause the process to exceed the limit for 32-bit apps. I think you'll need to find another way to query that doesn't require so much memory. FWIW, the next version of Visual Build will include a 64-bit edition, and the project did complete successfully in an alpha build of the x64 edition on an 8GB Win7 x64 machine.

05-18-2011, 12:47 PM
That does seem to be a rather memory intensive query. It appears to cause the process to exceed the limit for 32-bit apps. I think you'll need to find another way to query that doesn't require so much memory. FWIW, the next version of Visual Build will include a 64-bit edition, and the project did complete successfully in an alpha build of the x64 edition on an 8GB Win7 x64 machine.

I tried the script on other machine which is much more powerful than mine (OS=winServer2003 R2 X32) -same error appeared.
I expected on this machine I will not have memory issues.
So I guess there is no other than changing the script in order not to require so much memory.
I am not sure how should I do it as the xml should be parsed anyway to get the changed files.
When it will be available the X64 edition of VisBuild?

05-18-2011, 12:53 PM
Hopefully fairly soon, but no specific date at this time.

05-18-2011, 01:08 PM
Hopefully fairly soon, but no specific date at this time.

ok,but any idea about some workaround for this memory issue?

05-18-2011, 02:16 PM
Not really. We aren't able to provide support for other vendors' products (MSXML in this case). You might try a different XML parser or reformulating the query to use less memory.