View Full Version : Running VisBuild on remote machine

03-17-2011, 02:11 PM
I am on a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine running VisBuildPro V7. On another machine (Windows Server 2008) I have VisBuildPro V6. I am trying to use the VisBuildPro V7 to remotely run a VisBuildPro V6 on the other machine. I am passing it a parameter. I can not get it to run the specified bld file on the Windows Server 2008 machine. Please help

03-17-2011, 02:19 PM
You'll need to set the Install path field on the Parameters tab of the VisBuildPro Project action to the path on the remote computer where v6 is installed (i.e., C:\Program Files (x86)\VisBuildPro6).

03-17-2011, 02:29 PM
I do have the path set for where VisBuildPro is on the remote machine

03-17-2011, 02:30 PM

03-17-2011, 02:48 PM
I will create a small test and .bld file and send it to you. FYI, My computers are Windows Server 2008 64 bit (VisBuildPro6) and Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit (VisBuildPro7)

03-18-2011, 12:32 PM
This bld file is from my Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit machine using VisBuildPro7. Will send more info in other replies

03-18-2011, 12:34 PM
This bld file is on my Windows Server 2008 64bit machine. This machine has VisBuildPro6. This bld is being called remotely from kinook_r2 (Windows Server 2008 R2 machine)

03-18-2011, 04:29 PM
Please also provide #1, #3, and #7 from http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthread.php?threadid=3044

03-21-2011, 01:11 PM
I have attached #1

03-21-2011, 01:13 PM
i have attached #7.

#3 is in log for Psexec

03-23-2011, 03:30 PM
I was able to reproduce that behavior, but it does work as expected with Visual Build Pro v7 on the remote machine. Since v6 is no longer being supported or updated, the best option would be to upgrade to v7.