View Full Version : Run App and Batch File don't generate process

11-10-2009, 04:09 PM

I am trying to run an application using either a "Batch File" or a "Run Program" step. When I double click on the *.exe file outside VBP through windows explorer the program runs correctly (opens command prompt since it is a console app) and I can see the process created in the Windows Task Manager Processes list, ...but when I execute it inside VBP using those 2 steps the output of my app is written on the VBP Output window correctly (exact same output from command prompt) but it never generates the process in Windows Task Manager. Am I missing something? Here is the xml of my VBP steps trial:

<step action='Run Program'>
<command>C:\VisualBuild\Logging Applications\FolderWatcher\FolderWatcher\bin\Relea se\FolderWatcher.exe</command>
<indent type='3'>1</indent>
<name>Run Projects Folder Watcher</name>
<outputfrom type='3'>1</outputfrom>
<startin>C:\VisualBuild\Logging Applications\FolderWatcher\FolderWatcher\bin\Relea se\</startin>

<step action='Batch File'>
<CmdStr><![CDATA[cd C:\VisualBuild\Logging Applications\FolderWatcher\FolderWatcher\bin\Relea se\
<CmdType type='3'>1</CmdType>
<NoEcho type='11'>-1</NoEcho>
<indent type='3'>1</indent>
<name>Run Folder Watcher</name>
<window type='11'>-1</window>

PS: I am using VBP Version 6.0

11-10-2009, 04:12 PM
Maybe the process exits immediately or is being run under a different user account.

11-10-2009, 04:18 PM
Is there any way to make it run exactly like if I was double clicking on it through windows explorer?

The user account is the same and I am monitoring the Task Manager Processes List while I execute the VBP steps and nothing comes up although the VBP Output window shows the application as running.

Is there any chance that the completion of the VBP step can kill the process? I actually need to leave this app open while I run some other VBP steps and kill the app later since it is a logging Application.


11-10-2009, 04:24 PM
There isn't much difference -- they both call CreateProcess.

11-10-2009, 05:33 PM
I found out what the problem was. I had the "Wait For Completion" checkbox checked in the batch file step. As soon as I unchecked that the process was created correctly.
