View Full Version : Refuse Save on Build Scripts

03-05-2008, 05:46 AM

I have some build scripts which have some VBScript in to determine which path to take. These scripts change the ticked property of the step to skip groups or tasks.

When it gets to the end of the script it asks if I would like to save the changes. Is there any way to stop this and refuse the saving when the build is running?

These scripts are being run from another script so it is stopping the progression of the script.

Any help would be great.



03-05-2008, 07:01 AM
It would probably be better to use conditional build rules (http://www.visualbuild.com/Manual/buildrules.htm) instead of modifying the checked status, but you could save the .bld file (http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthread.php?threadid=245) to another location at the end if needed, i.e.:

If Project.IsModified Then Project.Save "%TEMP%\temp.bld"

Another option would be to build with the Console app (http://www.visualbuild.com/Manual/consoleapp.htm), which discards any unsaved changes made to the .bld file during the build.