View Full Version : Can't break a waiting "Wait" step

02-21-2008, 05:01 AM
When running the attached bld, it keeps waiting until a file "dummy.xyz" is created. However I can't break or stop this build, not by hitting Ctrl+Break, nor Build -> Stop, or even closing VBPro. I have to End Task VisualBuildPro.exe to make it stop.

02-21-2008, 05:01 AM
forgot the attachment, here it is

02-21-2008, 10:04 AM
Filenames in the Wait action must be specified as an absolute path+filename (i.e., %PROJDIR%\dummy.xyz, %TEMP%\dummy.xyz, c:\path\to\dummy.xyz, etc.). The Wait action should fail if a path is not specified, which we'll fix, but one way to exit the hung build is to use File | Exit (answer Yes to abort the build), then choose File | Exit again to force exit the build.