View Full Version : Remote Build Execution problem

11-30-2007, 02:05 PM
I have two build machines. The old one has VC6 and VB6 installed on it. The new machine has VS2K3 and VS2K5. I have a project where for the time being I need to build using VC6 and VB8. So what I did is I created a script that maps a drive to the old machine from the new machine. Copies over all needed files including a VBP script. Then I use a run script pointing to the remote machine. This other script just compiles the VC6 and VB6 projects.

The script is running however I get an error during compile saying that it cannot find a .h file that comes with VC6. I have verified that the files exists. If I log into the old build machine and compile the project from the VC6 IDE it builds with no errors. If I run the build script on the old machine it runs without errors.

I am thinking that it is some kind of envirionment situation that I have where my path is not set correctly or something like that. I have tried both "Run in System Account" and as a user and I get the same results.



11-30-2007, 02:30 PM
What do you mean by 'I use a run script'? A VisBuildPro Project action using the Remote tab? Please ZIP and send to support@kinook.com:
1) The info from Help | About | Install Info (on the local and remote box)
2) The version of PsExec being used
3) The .bld file
4) A build log file
