View Full Version : SAMPLE_ROOT macro appearing, I don't know why?

07-26-2007, 11:58 AM
I have a 'Set Macro' step which would get the version number of a .exe file, updating the VER_NUM global macro. On one project file, I can run the step without it prompting me to define the SAMPLE_ROOT temporary macro; on the other, it prompts me for a value for that macro. Why and where did this macro come from? It's not the script, because I click on cancel multiple times to get rid of the SAMPLE_ROOT macro window, it builds successfully, and I check the version value in VER_NUM and it's the one I wanted. Can someone explain what is happening? Thank you.

07-26-2007, 01:04 PM
Some of the VBP samples use a LOGFILE macro value of %SAMPLE_ROOT%\%PROJROOT%.log, which requires SAMPLE_ROOT to also be defined. Apparently your project does something similar but doesn't define SAMPLE_ROOT.

07-26-2007, 01:25 PM
That's what it was. The LOGFILE macro had %SAMPLE_ROOT%\%PROJROOT%.log and I just changed it to %PROJDIR%\%PROJROOT%.log. I can now run the 'Set Macro' without the interference. Also, any other step I would do caused this problem. I found that out after my initial post. Everything is fine now. Thank you.