View Full Version : Project VBScript Stopped working

08-10-2005, 09:20 AM
I've been using Project script code that I'm pretty sure I sliced out of one of the examples, to search for the existence of a log file and delete it if it exists. Anyway it worked great and then stopped. I've had to comment it out and make sure that I physically delete it prior to the build.

' delete the file if it exists
'If vbld_FSO.FileExists(logFile) Then
'MsgBox "Deleting log file '" + logFile + "' from vbld_BuildStarting event (go to Script Editor, " + _
'"Project tab to view script code)."
' vbld_FSO.DeleteFile logFile, True
'End If

Any ideas?

08-10-2005, 01:59 PM
Not really. I would start by debugging the script to verify that the logFile variable contains the correct filename. Then, perhaps use Process Explorer's [1] find handle functionality to see if something has the file open, preventing it from being deleted.

[1] http://www.sysinternals.com/Utilities/ProcessExplorer.html

08-14-2006, 12:18 PM
I got the code to work it is the way you where eval the log file.

' delete the file if it exists
If vbld_FSO.FileExists(Application.ExpandMacros("%logFile%")) Then
MsgBox "Deleting log file '" + "%logFile%" + "' from vbld_BuildStarting event (go to Script Editor, " + _
"Project tab to view script code)."
vbld_FSO.DeleteFile Application.ExpandMacros("%logFile%"), True
MsgBox("Found It, deleted!!!!")
MsgBox("Did not Find It")
End If