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Old 12-23-2007, 06:54 AM
janrif janrif is offline
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Join Date: 07-08-2005
Location: Ridgefield CT USA
Posts: 852

I only use UR on a daily basis for all of my activities. I dislike having to enter data more than once or in more than one place so I look for programs that can absorb all the elements that I use in my disorganized life & allow me to organize the parts I need for specific tasks when I need them.

At the moment, UR seems to do that best &, according to the roadmap, looks like it will do it even better is in the near future.

IMO, the program is in the hands of serious developers who don't look like they are going to disappear or sell out to a larger company any time soon. This is good news for me as I spent several years with a couple of clever programs called ADM & Ariadne which stopped development & it was very frustrating.

OTOH, Kinook (the company) is described here so you can judge for yourself about its seriousness.

I can't be sure about names but I am fairly sure that Kinook is not a person's name but a combination of names. Kevina may actually be Kevin A but I don't know that for sure either. And I believe there is a Kyle involved as well.

Although I have posted many times on this forum, most of my posts have been questions, questions and more questions so I am like you in this way. Don't worry about asking questions. Someone (including the developers) will come along and help.

Tech guru, me? Nope. Just an end user like yourself who happened to start with UR a few months ahead of you.
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