Thread: Checkboxes
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Old 05-28-2003, 04:50 PM
gdanko gdanko is online now
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Join Date: 05-27-2003
Posts: 18
Oh you can launch stuff from the command line? Sorry, this is my second day of doing this.

I have a funny error/bug where I have this as my .ini file.

NewMachineConfig = No

NumberOfServers = 2
Server0 = WWW6
Server1 = WWW7
Server2 =
Server3 =
Server4 =
Server5 =
Server6 =
Server7 =
Server8 =
Server9 =

I can use this command to assign the value of NumberOfServers to a variable:

Application.Macros(vbldTemporary).Add "SERVERNAME","[%READ_INI(C:\deploy.ini,Batch1,NumberOfServers%]"

But I cannot do this:

Application.Macros(vbldTemporary).Add "SERVERNAME","[%READ_INI(C:\deploy.ini,Batch1,Server0%]"

Logging %SERVERNAME% in the first example returns a 2, but in the second example it is blank. It seems like for some reason I cannot read these values in. However, I am able to just post them with a log command.

I will test something. The NumberOfServers parameter is numeric, the rest are string. Let me see if changing one of them to an integer works.....

Yes! Just as I suspected.....

Application.Macros(vbldTemporary).Add "SERVERNAME","[%READ_INI(C:\deploy.ini,Batch1,Server0)%]"

This works ONLY if the value in the ini file is integer. I changed one of those that did not work to an int value and I could assign it to %SERVERNAME%.. Now.. why can't I assign a string..
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