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Old 02-08-2006, 08:38 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-26-2003
Posts: 825
Ultra Recall v.1.4c has just been released, which includes some fixes which make this search easier to construct.

A virtual, searchable Yes/No attribute called Has Reminder is available which determines if a pending reminder is assigned to an Info Item (Yes if a Pending Reminder attribute is assigned, otherwise No).

Another v1.4c change is that you can use a Matches Wildcard operator on Numeric attributes, which makes searching for non-numeric values in these attributes simpler (may be helpful since users can't change the attribute type/list values for the Priority system attribute).

So you could define an Advanced Search with a criteria of:
  Priority Matches Wildcard *High or 1 or whatever was appropriate
  and Has Reminder equals No

Isn't < the equivalent of NOT >= ?
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