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Old 08-29-2008, 09:41 AM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Join Date: 10-16-2005
Location: Blairsville, GA USA
Posts: 431
What if you created a Template based on the Text template, call it Bookmark.

Create a Form, named Bookmark, and assign the Attribute [Item Title] to it. Create a folder Bookmarks and assign the Bookmark Template as the Default Child.

Granted, you will need to manually create new children for this folder, but you can drag-drop from the external browser Address Area into the RTF viewer area of the Bookmark Item (provides just the url).

Once the url has been dragged to the RTF viewer area you can edit the Item Title in the Form, or just type the desired text in the RTF Viewer Area (after the url), then select this text and press <F2> to title the Item.

If you go the Form route you have the advantage of assigning other Attributes that may help in searching or sorting, or don't use a Form and just do everything in the RTF Viewer Area.
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