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Old 11-30-2007, 03:22 PM
janrif janrif is offline
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Originally posted by reesd
I'll try and and give a quick example.
You want a tree when things have a parent/child relationship. You want to filter when you just want to narrow down what you are looking at while still keeping that relationship.

Here is a simple example of a backpacking list (it seems simpler to than a todo list which is my main use case). The tree is used to group similar items or group them by where they are packed. I have a people column that indicates if an item is used when I am going solo (lighweight being important) or with a group (need to support group and can share load with them). So I can quickly filter the list to just the stuff I will need.

backpacking list people
big backpack group
small backpack solo
small pans solo
big pans group

My actual backpacking list is much longer than this and has 4-5 aspects that I use to filter including weight, people, number of days, etc. Tree filtering is key to keeping the structure but also being able to ignore/see the right items.

Why not add boolean attributes, Ex: group, share, solo or whatever for all your complete backpack list. Then check off what goes where. Then set up an automated search: group, share, solo with the appropriate criteria. Make each one of those searches a favorite so w one click it would bring up a speccialized list of items.

Wouldn't that accomplish what you want?
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