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Old 05-24-2004, 06:54 PM
rob_manger rob_manger is online now
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Join Date: 05-18-2004
Posts: 16
Thanx for the reply,

The reason for the copying is that due to the nature of the project, it is required that the majority of the developers continually disconnect from the domain in order to Unit test on multiple private domains. Because of this, many problems were encountered with the link to VSS, which we won't go into here.

Instead of wasting time on this problem we have come up with the work-around of automating the copying files to a secure, reliable location for check in into VSS before the actual build and labeling process begins.

While I agree that it IS dangerous and I have spent a fair bit of time trying to solve the problem, there was no fore-seeable solution, hence the work-around. At least with an automated process, it is more reliable than any manual action.


Rob Manger
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