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Old 06-23-2008, 05:04 PM
StephenUK StephenUK is online now
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Join Date: 07-31-2006
Location: UK
Posts: 143
Actually, I've had to give up on using these tear off toolbars, and have set up my own keyboard macros instead.

I don't know why these toolbars are as they are. Firstly, very few people would be aware they can tear them off, so they probably hardly ever get used. But surely a toolbar that selects the item you want is almost the first thing you need and should be a mainstream toolbar.

Secondly, it makes no sense to me that the Sibling and Child tear off bars use the same icons. What is needed is one standard bar providing both child and sibling insertion without duplicate icons, ideally customisable.

UR is lovably eccentric but frequently frustrating too.
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