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Old 08-20-2009, 02:05 PM
wordmuse wordmuse is online now
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Join Date: 10-11-2006
Posts: 482
Howdy -

OK - A couple of comments - hopefully taken as constructive.

This is really just a partial implementation of what I have wanted. It is still basically an sort on the title of the item, not a reading of the date created or the date modified attributes, which is what I am really wanting.

I don't even need the date or time to appear in the title itself, although sometimes I do that for clarity.

But in my test:

08-20-2009 - 12:01 PM

sorts before

y 08-20-2009 - 12:00 PM

So again - what I am looking for is the Explorer pane to take information from the item attributes of either Date Created or Date Modified (just like in one of the related items panes) and sort accordingly.

Can this be done or at least put into the roadmap?

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