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Old 08-18-2007, 06:36 AM
bookman bookman is online now
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Join Date: 11-18-2005
Posts: 82
Why does Ultra Recall take so much longer to save a webpage ?

Besides Ultra Recall, I use two other program to capture webpages. I'm actually trying to settle on 1 or 2 but not using all 3.

Ideally, I would like to stick with just 1 and hopefully I would like to settle on just using Ultra Recall.

And both these other programs are much faster at the webpage captures.

For example, it may take Ultra Recall a full 12 full seconds, Program A, 1 sec and Program B 3 secs.

Program A also indexes the captures and I can search for the article instantaneously.

Program B also indexes the captures except that it does not do instantaneous search. I have to type the keyword and hit enter.

I'm just plain curious - Why the big difference ?
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