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Old 04-08-2005, 07:35 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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I was a bit unclear in my explanation. Ultra Recall will never use more than 50 characters of an Info Item's title for the exported filename. This arbitrary number was chosen as a compromise between having meaningful file names, and assisting the user in reducing the situations where the Windows path length limit is exceeded.

An error will occur and the export process will stop if exporting an Info Item would create a path longer than 260 characters. This is less than ideal because it means that it is not possible to export an entire Info Database to your hard-drive with deep structure and long filenames. Unfortunately the underlying issue is a significant limitation of Windows, which we have no control over.

The next version of Ultra Recall will support XML export (which optionally exports the stored files as well). This XML export will record the relationships (hierarchy) between Info Items in an xml (oml format) file. If the stored documents are exported, they are exported to single folder and referenced in the xml, eliminating this issue.
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