Thread: Title Attribute
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Old 03-26-2007, 04:13 PM
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Title Attribute

To Kinook:

would it be possible for the "Title Attribute" of the "non-Core Template" item to be user specific, ie. user can choose what attribute to choose for "Title Attribute" for a given template item?

The reason for this request is this:
I have several templates, many of them have a (unique) qualifier given by the attribute that I'd like to use for the Title. But because I'm forced to use the Item Title for the Title attribute, I have to store redundant information because both Item Title and my unique qualifier are same. What's more, it can cause inconsistency in my data if I change the Title but not the attribute or the other way around.

It seems that UR was build with this idea in mind, cause otherwise the Title Attribute wouldn't have a value that's another attribute. Well, it's used for Contact template, so why not give the users more freedom to use this feature for their own templates? (the next level would be the possibility to use combined attributes, just like in the Contact template)

Thank you!
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