Thread: A few queries
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Old 07-12-2012, 01:14 AM
seanferns seanferns is online now
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Join Date: 01-30-2012
Posts: 56
on point 4, as long as I have a .txt file imported into UR it becomes impossible to have control on an individual extension. I think there shouldn't be an internal classification as .txt and rely specifically on the list of extensions specified.

on point 5, I registered my own protocol handler and can achieve what I need. The thing is UR doesn't highlight it as it does for http/mailto etc.
Further to that, how do i get the behaviour of the mailto protocol. If i click a http/file/https link it seems to be using the IEcontrol but on clicking a mailto link it just shows the outlook new email window. This may not be UR specific but I would just like to know how do I duplicate that behaviour. The intended effect is to stay on the current note and not have to click the back button.
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