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Old 07-03-2006, 06:07 AM
Elbert Elbert is online now
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Join Date: 07-01-2006
Posts: 25
Your "New Word doc" template in your "My Journal" worked fine.

Your Item Title atribute had no spaces in the name and had the extension .doc, so I changed mine to be NewDoc.doc, just like yours: still didn't work.

Also your Template Name was "New Word doc", mine was "Word doc". I changed mine to "New Word doc": now it works!! Thinking Word might be a reserved word, I changed the template name to "Nuts doc": still works!!

I also changed the template name of my folder-type template from "Trip" to "Nuts": that template now works. Changed it again to "New Trip": still works.

So "New Word doc" and "Nuts doc" work, but "Word doc" doesn't. "Nuts" and "New Trip" work, "Trip" doesn't. I cycled through Nuts, New Trip, and Trip a couple of times with the same results. I deleted the template Trip and made a new one named Trip. Same results.

Since the .urd you sent works and mine doesn't, I figured the problem is with the .urd not with UR itself. I saved journal.urd as BadJournal.urd, removed UR and reinstalled. I have no problem with templates in the newly installed journal.urd. Problems continue with BadJournal.urd.

So somehow the original journal.urd went flooey, or I accidentally did something to screw it up. Both of these possibilities are a little scary.
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