Unwanted Side Effect Updating InstallShield Project Version Number
Hi all,
I'm using the function below as a prestep to build my InstallShield X project. The version number does indeed update, but there is an unwanted side effect. I set the project up to have a major upgrade. On the major upgrade I set the project to upgrade for ANY earlier version. Executing the code changes the major upgrade to be for any version prior to the version that VBPro just set, which would also not be a problem, except that the next time that I go and build the version number used to set the maximum remains put, which is a problem.
It seems like a bug. I need a workaround. What do you recommend?
Thanks in advance,
Function InstallShieldUpdateVersion()
'Create the InstallShield Developer automation object
Set objInst = CreateObject("ISWiAuto10.ISWiProject") 'For InstallShield X
'Open the project file
objInst.OpenProject Step.ExpProperty(Builder, "Filename")
'Use this code to set the version to a specific macro value
objInst.ProductVersion = Application.ExpandMacrosAndScript("%BUILD_VER%")
'Save changes
end function
Martin A. Weinberer