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Old 01-05-2004, 03:58 PM
ShaneJimmerson ShaneJimmerson is online now
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Join Date: 12-12-2003
Posts: 19
Here is the output from the SourceSafe sample cloak step:

Building project step 'Cloak'...
Step default property 'command' = '"C:\Program Files\VisBuildPro\Tools\SSHelper.exe" /C "C:\DOCUME~1\SJIMME~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\VisBuildPro\VS tudio\Database" Cloak $/Executables -yGuest,'

SSHelper, Version 1.2
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Kinook (TM) Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Command: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VSS\win32\ss.exe" Cloak $/Executables -yGuest,

Process completed with exit code 1
Build successfully completed.

And here is the output from my cloak step:

Building project step 'SourceSafe Cloak'...
Step default property 'command' = '"C:\Program Files\VisBuildPro\Tools\SSHelper.exe" /C "\\ppcsw1\nt-g\SS_WEB" Cloak $/Interium/Development/InteriumLocal/AppCode -y<username>,'
Failed to create process: The directory name is invalid.
Step 'SourceSafe Cloak' failed

I changed the actual username on my cloak step for security reasons.
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