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Old 10-24-2005, 08:20 PM
shaneras shaneras is online now
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Join Date: 10-22-2003
Posts: 3
Thanks for the example, you guys have awesome suport. I also upgraded to VBP 6 and really like it so far.

The sample now finds and replaces the CLASSID, but it also munges part of the line. Here is how the line looks before I run the script:

<td width="0"><object id="cb_installer" CLASSID='clsid:AECFFAFD-0DB4-40C6-A9B4-3055D68A2E11' CODEBASE='/res/cab/,00,0000' BORDER=0 VSPACE=0 HSPACE=0 ALIGN=TOP HEIGHT=0% WIDTH=0% ID="Object1" VIEWASTEXT></object></td>

And after I run the script:

<td width="0"><object id="cb_installer" CLASSID='clsid:AECFFAFD-0DB4-40C6-A9B4-3055D68A2E11'BORDER=0 VSPACE=0 HSPACE=0 ALIGN=TOP HEIGHT=0% WIDTH=0% ID="Object1" VIEWASTEXT></object></td>

For some reason I can't figure it is removing this from the line:


If I try and put the whole line in and then try to replace the CLASSID I get this error:

Error expanding macros or script in property Find: <Error parsing macros: Unrecoverable Parse Error at position 176 - expecting macro_name>

Thanks for the help :-)

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