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Old 06-19-2007, 09:02 AM
jdavidi jdavidi is online now
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Join Date: 10-27-2003
Posts: 38
Thanks kevina,

I think we're back in shape. Here's what I did:

1) Uninstalled all VisualBuildPro versions from my 2000 machine (had entries for Visual Build Pro, Visual Build Pro 5.7, and Visual Build Pro 6.4 in Add/Remove Programs).

2) Installed 6.2a, opened it, applied our license.

3) Things tested fine as far as being able to access properties when I launched with the /config & /macros switches.

4) Installed 6.4 over 6.2a.

5) Re-tested, and am not having any trouble accessing properties after launching with the /config & /macros switches, in neither design mode nor debug mode.

In retrospect / mini-panic I realized I never attempted an uninstallation/re-installation until now so that might have long overdue as it was.

Thank you very much, as always, for your quick reply. The speed enhancements to the File Processing logic is AWESOME (I'd missed the 6.3 release)--it's taken over 41 minutes off our nightly build process, a 20% improvement for us!

I'll keep my eye on things, and let you know should I encounter anything else.

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