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Old 06-07-2007, 10:45 AM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 514
This is something I hope Kinook will be able to include in their next release. I've spent hours trying to find a way around it. There is not an efficient one for now. One option is to use HTML Quick Edit Bar ( It works elegantly. Go to design mode, edit the page as you wish, then save it. Use UR buttons to copy/link the saved copy. Further edits can be done by cntrl+j and the cntrl+F5 to sync the docs.

When I need to use a feature that UR does not support, I first make it known to Kinook and raise forum support. If it can not be attained short term, I try to circumvent it. This is one way I did this.

From my experience with UR, IMO, it is not optimized for research work. It does good to capture your daily task work and small to medium editing. If you are a hard core researcher like myself, UR will restrict you. I had hoped to use it as such but it had me offer to many compromises I really was not willing to make.

It is not appropriate for me to mention other competitive products here that offer better tools ,but if you provide an email, I will be more than happy to provide some suggestions. You can also, read this thread which has a lot more idea.
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