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Old 06-01-2011, 07:02 AM
schferk schferk is online now
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Thank you very much, kinook, that's absolutely great. I'll do with macros, in the meanwhile. "Sorry" for just bumping on the limitations of this great program each time I use it, but amending those makes a fine program outstanding.

If this responsiveness continues, I'll share some "UR for Beginners" or something of that kind here, where I try to abolish the learning curve for anybody new to UR, and yes, that's possible; my memory being failing somewhat, I depend on various written-down reminders of what and how to do, and that could become a little manual for first (and second) steps.

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Just one example here, the only ok-for-me "New Sibling" command is mandatorily put on Shift-Return, the only ok-for-me "New Child" command is mandatorily put on Insert - weird, weird, weird (and all the more so since in 19 out of 20 times, I /many of us I suppose need a sibling, not a sub), and a BIG obstacle for every newbie.

Thus, I have two "normal" key assignments for these, and, logically, the sibling to the left and the sub to the right (or a key beneath), e.g. F9 and F10 (in my case, it's Cherry 4700 (big) zero key and (to its right, tiny) comma key. (And thus, no need anymore to do a shift-enter, and thus, no problem anymore with that just pressing the enter key alone, triggering MS Word, and thus, no need to install that little UR utility to prevent that triggering).

But this is to say, without an additional macro program I would be completely lost in UR, so indeed, for "normal" users, the AMENDING of UR's quirks would be helpful: UR is very powerful, but, without having done a lot of macro programming, not straightforward enough to be pleasant (or even become usable) for first-time users, and it's a pity so many would-be users (including myself, for years!) put it down at too early a stage:

The amount of work a user has to put into it, before UR becoming useful for him, is simply too big, and thus, please lend me an ear when I try to convince you of amending those things one by one, by-ways might be possible here and there but are just too complicated for new users.

Another example is in the thread "Customization Annoyance" where I post today.

( And in some more days, I'll share my experiences with all those desktop search engines out there applied to UR in order to fellow UR users to benefit of the actual possibilites that exist even today (!), without having to put a work day into it first, like I currently do. )

Last edited by schferk; 06-01-2011 at 07:50 AM.
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