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Old 06-17-2007, 09:28 AM
janrif janrif is offline
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Join Date: 07-08-2005
Location: Ridgefield CT USA
Posts: 852
Kinook, I think Hillary is on to something.

I was playing around with the command to open Favorites in new tab & ended yesterday's session w several open tabs.

The "reload tabs" options was selected here too.

Today when I clicked on yesterday's tabs, there was no data display.

OTOH, when I tried to recreate this, all tabs between sessions opened normally & all data was present & accounted for.

I do believe there is something going on but can't offer more details at this time. I understand how difficult it is to track down something as elusive as what Hillary (& now I) are reporting.

One difference in our experiencing is that I don't believe I 'lost' any data nor do I believe any data was corrupted. And I use URp all day, every day as well.
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