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Old 09-10-2007, 01:31 PM
bkonia bkonia is online now
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Join Date: 11-23-2004
Posts: 98
Originally posted by quant
one question?

would copying (part of the website with formatting and pictures) and pasting work? (like it works beautifully with google notebook)

That would be greeeeeeeeeeeeat!
This would not work with XStandard. The reason is that XStandard is a strict XHTML editor and many web pages do not yet conform to the XHTML standard. If you copy/paste part of an HTML page into XStandard's WYSIWYG view, it would past it in as plain (unformatted) text. If you copy/paste the actual HTML code into XStandard's code view, it would report that the code is not XHTML compliant and you would have to go through the code manually and correct each of the errors.

However, this discussion is moot, because UR already includes the capability to paste in partial (or complete) web pages and store them as document Info Items.
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