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Old 06-07-2007, 06:59 AM
Jon Polish Jon Polish is online now
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Join Date: 07-21-2006
Posts: 391
I think you are doing this the hard way. Instead of copying each not from IS and pasting it into UR, what about exporting all of your notes? You seem concerned with readability, and your willingness to accept an alternative to maintaining the links in your notes leads me to this suggestion.

You may have formatting and images within your notes. If so, you would want to export them with the formatting intact. Try these steps:

1. Go to Tools|Options|Editor. Insert something unique to define a Note Delimiter (I use ==END==).

2. Create a topic and name it (Export perhaps?).

3. Copy all of your notes as sub items of the topic you created. I recommend copying because it will have no impact on your existing IS structure.

4. Select all of the notes you copied.

5. Click Selector|Join. This will combine all of your notes into a single note. The original notes will be separated by the note delimiter you defined in step 1.

6. Make sure this note is highlighted in the selector.

7. Go to File|Export|Export to File. Choose where you wish to save your file, the file name, and most important, the file type. The file type must be rtf.

8. Now open UR and import the file. The type you are importing will be rtf. When you click next, you will see options to enter your delimiter, if it should be removed upon import (yes), and (if my memory is correct) if it should be case sensitive (again check this box).

9. Run the import and you should get the results I think you need. If you have a large amount of items to import, be aware that it can tie up your computer and take a long time. UR is not as fast as IS in this regard.

May I ask why you are moving from IS to UR? Both have their strengths and weaknesses. What compelled you to switch?

I hope this has been useful.

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