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Old 05-18-2007, 06:42 AM
inkognito inkognito is online now
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Join Date: 11-20-2004
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Posts: 26
correction to above post:

copying an ol-folder and syncing the items not the folder doesn't solve the problem.

simply copy (import) the ol-folder and syncing is ok. but after
editing an item in ur and resync that particular item this item
comes up in ol as a new one in addition to the old one.
in ur there's still only the one i've edited.
editing an item in ol then highlight the item in ur and syncing results that the changes are not transfered to ur. but an extra item is created in ol with the changes in it.

another thing i found out.
it seams that these problems occur whne importing an ol folder w/ all the including items.

when importing an ol-folder then delete all the items in ur except the folder then copy the ol-items themselves in a next step the changes in either ol or ur are synced without duplicate entries.
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