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Old 07-25-2007, 11:06 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Originally posted by John Kerr
Thank you for your patience and sorry for the lack of info. I believe that I got it now. You're right that the directories in question are empty. When performing an action on a version controlled directory subversion depends upon those empty directories in the .svn folder to be there or the actions, be it update, commit, whatever, will fail.
Now, I didn't realize that the list files will exclude empty directories. I don't understand the necessity of that but that is besides the point.
It's the List Files action--it only lists folders containing matching files (to show what folder the listed files are in). We'll consider adding an option to also log empty folders.

After tooling around with the issue some more I realized that what is happening is that when the option to delete empty folders is checked it in fact does not honor exclusions. I can work around these issues now that I understand the problem.
I checked the 'Delete empty folders' in the sample above, and the empty tmp and props folders were not deleted.
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