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Old 07-16-2007, 11:51 AM
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Originally posted by LM7
Frequently I collect multiple info items which are related to a particular topic, and I want to have them all open - and it is easier to open them with a single click than having to open each one individually.
OK, why wouldn't you click on the parent item to display the children in the Child Items pane, then you can them with a single click...?

I invite others to correct me here...
The tab facility really comes into its own when you want to quickly navigate to items that are quite a distance apart in the tree. You can open items located in different main branches, and effectively jump to each main branch by clicking on a different tab. Although you can open items with the same parent in separate tabs, that is not necessarily the most efficient way of using UR. You are better off selecting the parent and using the "Child Items" pane as mentioned above.
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