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Old 07-03-2007, 08:44 PM
xja xja is online now
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Join Date: 01-06-2005
Posts: 146
I agree. All the "other stuff" is what has kept me using UR for task management. Unfortunately, lately I have had a lot more tasks to manage and it is to the point where the benefit of the other stuff is outweighed by the difficulty of managing tasks.

I have explained my reasoning for this ad infinitum on previous threads so won't reiterate yet again here or on another thread, but bottom line is tree filtering would give me the power to deal with large numbers of tasks with varying attributes... to be able to focus on different subsets of tasks and related info items while maintaining a hierachical view and without requiring spaghetti-like multilinks, which are too cumbersome to maintain.

I realize that UR is not a task manager and probably won't ever be as good at task management as a dedicated task management app. But this one feature would better allow me to keep all task management in UR and thus also enable me to keep it integrated with all the other great info management features.

My frustration comes from the fact that the more I have asked for this feature, the further down the priority list it has moved!
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