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Old 06-29-2007, 12:24 AM
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Originally posted by quant
Do you have any comment on (2007 Roadmap)
# Export multiple item notes as combined RTF document

- I suppose in the language of UR, it was meant "item text". Please provide an option to include "item notes" in the export, just after each "item text". Thank you.
I guess it's in response to thread that I raised and presumed "nobody" likes , and until now, that "only" Kinook understood. I still firmly believe it's an idea with good merit. Regards the optional inclusion of Item Notes, not a bad idea. Perhaps export of either or both. In the case of either, the export of Item Text gives you class A document and Item Notes gives you class B document. If giving a talk, your speaking notes |vs| printed handout. Refining a system specification, draft design document |vs| work notes & ideas.

And, BTW, once the mechanism is in place, could be manipulated to export as HTML. (Perhaps seeing the term "HTML" might spark more interest.) Although, IMHO RTF is enough since there are heaps of editors around with which you can easily open RTF and save as HTML.

(PS: why is this in General Discussion and not in Suggestions?)

Last edited by zargron; 06-29-2007 at 12:26 AM.
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