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Old 06-24-2007, 09:47 PM
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Originally posted by ashwken
I'm just a firm believer of not putting something (phyiscally) into a database unless you really have to.
Double ditto.
File storage systems associated with modern operating systems tend to be very robust. I'm basically restricted to MS for most of my work so i use NTFS which at an age of over 10 years and version 3.1 does IMHO a v.good job of file storage. Please follow ashwken's suggestion regards having a data storage sub-folder relative to your UR database.

Hilary - other people organise their stuff...
I've got some notes i wrote for internal consumption related to those concepts. I might tidy them up and start a new thread with them in the next week or two.
Enhance searching ... really really well done in UR already and a little tweaking like Open in New Tab or Open in New Window - yum yum.
(Would you like to think of a few searching enhancements then start a new thread in the "Suggestions" forum?)
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