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Old 05-18-2007, 12:11 AM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Join Date: 10-16-2005
Location: Blairsville, GA USA
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My 2-cents...

For the Sample Database - Software Inventory (C:\Program Files\UltraRecall\Samples\*.urd), Save As to new file.

In Software Inventory, for the Item - Notes\My Software contains three topical folders - Development, Applications, Libraries. Each of these topical folders contain Items of the Document Type.

All of the nodes off the root are considered Items.

There are a couple of different Item Types:

the Text Type Item has a Detail Pane of text (rtf), this type of Item is represented by the Templates - Appointment, Contact, Folder, Project, Task, Text.

the Document Type Item has a Detail Pane of file url (local or remote), this type of Item is represented by the Template - Document. The handling of this Item Type is governed by Tools | Options | Documents tab and Browser tab. Basically the Document Item is a file and it's handled by the internal Browser or an external program.

the Search Type Item has a Detail Pane of Search...

In Software Inventory, select the Folder - Templates, right-click, Insert Child, Document, give it a name. This creates a Template of the Item Type Document.

From the Menu Bar chose Tools | Attributes, Insert to create an Attribute (data fields).

From the Menu Bar chose Tools | Forms, Insert to create a Form. Here you place your Attibutres as they'll appear on the Form.

The new Template that was created should still be selected, do a CTRL-4 to reveal the Item Attributes Pane. Under the Group-Template click in the Value field for the Atrribute - Form, chose the Form you just created from the drop-down list. Under the Group-System click in the Value field for the Atrribute - Icon, to change the Icon.

This is how the Template - Program was created.

In Software Inventory, for the Item - Notes\My Software select one of the topical folders. From the Items Attribute Pane, under the Group-System click in the Value field for the Atrribute - Default Child Template, chose the Template - Program from the drop-down list.

This sets the default Item for child creation - Insert, Imports, external sends Link or Store, drag-drop.

To collect the webpages, look at Tools | Options | Import - Insert imported items at selected item in Data Explorer pane, if selected you control the location of where Items are created from sends, if not selected the default location is Imported Items.

If you send to Imported Items, after a capture session these Items can be distributed to their desired locations via the ALT-L Link/Move/Copy Items popup (available from any node), a nice little shooter.

(edited 2007-05-19):
Just realized that if you send to Imported Items you'll be governed by it's Default Child Template setting. Something to consider if you want control over Child Item creation.

From your Browser, displaying the desired page to capture, either use the Icons buttons in the Icon Bar, or right-click on the page and select Copy (Store) or Link (same choice for Icon Buttons), or more ways.

If you want content to be available when off-line, you want to Store.

If you are Linking to local files, you might want to consider building a File Storage subFolder Structure underneath the location of your data file. Then when importing you will have a url that has a relative path (transporting and distribution considerations).

Working With Forms and Templates and Stuff

Forms can only be assigned to Templates.

You might consider using the Attribute - Item Title, in the first row of your Forms.

Template Items can be created from Office documents, and can be viewed via the internal broswer.

UR will import Windows File | Properties | Summary data, if there are matching UR Attributes present. These Windows File Properties can be assigned across multiple selections in Windows Explorer.

All of these topics are better covered in the Help file and on this message board.


Last edited by ashwken; 05-19-2007 at 02:01 AM.
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