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Old 05-12-2007, 01:10 PM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Originally posted by quant
when I tried to find out how this works, I had ; delimited data and tried space and , to delimit keywords. Didn't work. Then you replied that actually you requested ; to be used to delimit keywords and that worked. So I was unlucky that I have chosen ; to delimit fields cause it seems that it is hard-coded to use to delimit keywords.
Uhmm, this is interesting and disappointing.

In my original feature request I only used the semi-colon as an example to describe the delimited text string that should be importable, I never dreamed that it would be taken so literally.

Once the function became available I was pleased that it met my needs, but assumed that steps had been taken to make it more universally applicable.

As you mentioned in a post upstream, it would appear that an option needs to be available so that the user can declare what Keyword Delimiter has been used - just as we declare what delimiter is used for the import file.

Thank you for the correction and the insight,
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