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Old 04-18-2007, 01:58 PM
grahamrhind grahamrhind is online now
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Join Date: 03-11-2007
Location: Amsterdam, NL
Posts: 37
Thanks Ken - that would probably have worked too.

Note to Kinook: my feelings about your help file are a matter of public knowledge. This is a good example to help you to maybe improve it.

Go to the help menu and look for "search". From there you can follow the link to Advanced Search.

In this section I think you should have covered all aspects of advanced search. As it is, you do, for example, mention "Indenting", but you do not mention WHAT this is, so it is hit and miss if a user follows that link.

If they do they get to the indenting section. This explains what indenting does. What is does NOT do is explain HOW to produce an indent. At this point the user has reached a dead end. I had to press many buttons before I found a way to do it. More explanation in the files is a necessity.

Thanks :-)
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