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Old 04-18-2007, 09:19 AM
grahamrhind grahamrhind is online now
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Posts: 37
Tasks - recurrence and search

I'm beginning to get the hang of UR now (is that a sigh of relief I hear all round?) I have managed to set up UR to, in some respects, rival dedicated task management packages. However, two major issues still bother me:

1) I understand that recurrence depends on setting a reminder, and that when the reminder is dismissed the begin date is advanced according to the parameters given.

I don't work with reminders in any program - I want the task to stay in my list for that day until I decide it is done (e.g. I give it a flag "completed"), after which I want the task to reset itself for specified day. Programs like Outlook work that way. Secondly, I want recurrence at uneven periods (e.g. every Monday and Wednesday). The only way I've found to achieve these things currently it to move the due date manually every time I complete a task. I find that rather galling. Is there a better way?

2) I have set up search to show me, for example, all non completed tasks. The search parameters are:

Template item equals Task
and Completed % less than 100
or Completed % equals [empty]

When I run this, the search results always also display the templates from the templates folder for Task and for Project. Even when I add a new parameter (e.g. Context contains keywords Work), which are not in those templates, those templates are shown. The only way to get rid of them is to check the "limit search to siblings of current search item", but then I miss other tasks as the tasks are nested in the tasks folder.

Does anybody know a way of stopping the templates appearing as tasks?

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