Thread: sort by date?
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Old 02-28-2007, 07:44 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Originally posted by Daly de Gagne
UR's reliance on system settings is a PITA as far as I am concerned.

It means no flexibility with setting dates, if you want one format for the system, and one or more for various parts of the UR database.

It also means no freedom to set typeface or size in the tree, apart from the size setting allowed by the system. I would prefer a larger type size in the tree, but not for my system.

I'd like to know what the reasoning is behind this reliance on system settings.
1) Many Windows users expect consistency between their applications, and following the user's Windows preferences provides that. I suspect a lot of users would be unhappy and confused if we ignored those settings and picked our own defaults.
2) There haven't been very many requests for allowing customization from the user's Windows settings.

We could provide the ability to override the defaults, but this can get complex very quickly, depending on how much needs to be customizable. If it is only allowing customization of the Tree pane font/size and the Alt+Z date/time format, that is not too difficult (and these are on the list), but you seem to be implying that every place a date, time, or date+time could be displayed or edited in UR, the format should be customizable (separately for each location?), which would be a lot more work. Making the font individually customizable for each pane also gets tedious.
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