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Old 10-04-2006, 10:10 AM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Join Date: 10-16-2005
Location: Blairsville, GA USA
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I'm surprized that this suggestion has not generated any comments.

As I work more with UR I'm finding the need for just what is described here - Item Titles named from Item Attribute values - and I'm finding that I'm aslo duplicating activity, typing the same values into a custom field that I've just used as an Item Title.

I've been using UR to track Real Estate leads: a Folder for a Lead Name, child folders for an event, these child folders are named

yyyy-mm-dd - Action Type

where Action Type is some method of communication or action, underneath this event folder I store emails from Outlook and other types of files that pertinent.

Currently I've got two custom attributes for Date of Action and Action Type, essentially the two values I use to name the child folder - I'm not clear what advantage there is to having these custom attributes, except that it seemed that they might be advantagous for sorting or searching in the future.

Anyway, just some thoughts...

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