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Old 02-17-2006, 09:57 AM
Alexey Alexey is online now
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Join Date: 02-17-2006
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posts: 14
Well, we often have such situations when a "stable" build of our software product is associated not just with the latest version of the whole VSS project (recursively with all its contents) but with different versions of different files. For example, we have such a situation:

$/MnProject contains:

1. MainModule.bas, latest VSS version is 5.
2. frmMain.frm, latest VSS version is 22.
3. clsMyClass.cls, latest VSS version is 14.
4. MnProject.vbp, latest VSS version is 7.

We want to make build - but not from the latest versions. Instead, we need to take the following versions for the build:

1. MainModule.bas - 4.
2. frmMain.frm - 22.
3. clsMyClass.cls - 10.
4. MnProject.vbp - 7.

Note that items 1 and 3 need to be taken from VSS with their previous versions (not latest!).

In such case I can't leave "Version to operate on..." blank - because it's said "blank for current". I also can't use version number in this filed - versions differ (see above). I also can't use dates. So the only way out is to use labels, isn't it? And if yes - then it would be nice to place "LMyLabel" in that field and see how everythings works!
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