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Old 01-24-2006, 10:50 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,032
The problem is in msdev, not VBP. To get an accurate comparison outside of VBP, you need to echo the exitcode after running MSDEV (running msdev in a command prompt or batch file will ignore the exit code [you can do the equivalent of this in VBP by unchecking 'Build failure steps' and checking 'Continue building' on the General tab]). Paste the msdev command into a batch file and add another line right after that:

echo Process completed with exit code %ERRORLEVEL%

Then execute the batch file from a command prompt to see the exit code.

To ignore that specific exit code for all Make VC6 steps in VBP, select all the Make VC6 steps in your project, select View | Properties on the menu, click the Script Editor button, copy/paste (requires VBP v6 and VBScript as default script language):

Sub vbld_StepDone()
If CLng(Application.ExpandMacros("%RUNPROGRAM_EXITCOD E%")) = -1073741819 Then
Step.BuildStatus = vbldStepStatSucceeded
End If
End Sub

into the Step tab, select File | Save & Close on the Script Editor menu, then click OK.
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