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Old 12-20-2005, 08:26 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-26-2003
Posts: 825
Depending on how savvy you are at xml creation/transformation, you may be able to use the xml (opml) import feature to import your data including the rtf files.

I am not familiar with the Personal Brains info you can or have exported (we are too busy getting UR 1.4 through beta to look at it this moment), but the best way I can recommend you evaluate this method would be to add a few Info Items to Ultra Recall containing some rich text, then export it as xml. You can then compare the exported data to what you entered. The format is quite straight forward, and could very well be suitable for your needs.

Note: You may not want to export all the attributes that are available in UR (will probably just clutter things up): the Item Details (RTF), Item Notes, Manual Keywords, Icon, Stored Documents attributes will probably be the most useful to you.

If you do achieve success with this import method (or believe it has merit and simply need some help), we are interested in providing assistance (and even adding the functionality to a future version of UR if possible). You can ask additional questions here or via email to (we will assist as time permits during the 1.4 beta period).
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