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Old 12-17-2005, 12:01 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
A beta release of v1.4 is now available at (Win 2K/XP+ only).

Important: Please be sure to make a backup of your databases before installing the beta! Once a database is opened in v1.4, you will no longer be able to open it in v1.3b and prior.

Please report any issues you encounter with as much detail as possible to

Here is a list of changes in this release:

New Features & Enhancements

* Outlook integration (copy, link, move, and synchronize Outlook messages, contacts, appointments, tasks, and notes into Ultra Recall using drag/drop, copy/paste, or Outlook toolbar).
* Alarms/ticklers/reminders/recurring appointments.
* Internet Explorer toolbar for importing into UR.
* Persist OLE embedded viewer toolbar configuration (such as Word toolbars when editing .doc files inside of Ultra Recall).
* Persist rich text editor scroll position and selection on forward/back.
* Add option to wrap cell text (Tools | Options | Grids).
* Add option to auto-collapse other siblings when sibling expanded (Tools | Options | Trees).
* Add option to disable bolding of the selected item (Tools | Options | Grids).
* Add Insert Sibling drop-down menu/shortcut for templates (Tree | Insert Sibling, right-click | Insert Sibling, and Alt+Shift+Insert).
* External editing of Text and derived Info Items (Item | Open Document or Ctrl+J).
* Enhanced import capability (auto skip unreachable URLs [Tools | Options | Import (More)], option for better handling of duplicate URLs [Tools | Options | Import (More)], and capability to stop while keeping all imported changes so far).
* Support printing of item notes.
* Open containing folder items with a local URL (Item | Open Containing Folder or Ctrl+W).
* Allow Microsoft Word (in the internal browser view) to edit Text and derived Info Items.
* Drag/drop reordering of sibling items in tree (by holding Shift down while dragging among siblings).
* Synchronization enhancements (multiple selection, re-keywording).
* Customization of keyboard shortcuts (Tools | Customize | Keyboard).
* Export of documents sets file modification timestamps to item modification date.
* Display more templates in the Insert Child menu.
* Omit seconds from time and date+time formatting.

Bug fixes

* Matches Wildcard searches on Item Title/Parent Title didn't match attribute value correctly.
* Pasting page selection copied from FireFox 1.5 didn't work properly.
* Don't include collapsed items in typing searches in trees.
* Fix local http anchor links (http::// to work properly in internal browser.
* Context menus shown via keyboard displayed in wrong position if mouse cursor on different monitor.
* Going to a favorite always expands it even if expand on goto option unchecked if item was moved after creating the favorite.
* Font combo not keyboard-savvy.
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