Thread: Roadmap Changes
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Old 11-29-2005, 07:48 PM
Daly de Gagne Daly de Gagne is online now
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Thanks for the post. I used the same links, and had Launchy automatically generate the script for me. I believe I have done everything right, but I'l go through it all one the weekend again when I have some time.

And I hope the folks at Kinook will forgive me for what I'm about to say: I am frustrated and angry that I have to waste time fooling around with a plug-in because of a decision to reverse a commitment that was made to your customer base to integrate UR with Firefox. That commitment was part of what influenced me to stick with UR. It was a commitment that recognized, as a growing number of software developers are recognizing, that increasing numbers of users are voting with their feet and abandoning IE in favour of Firefox. So to ask us to use a free third party plug-in seems a little underwhelming, especially after the very professional and competent performance we have seen from Kinook prior to this. It is to your credit that I am able to say, without any irony at all, that I expected more from Kinook.

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