Thread: Roadmap Changes
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Old 11-29-2005, 07:57 AM
Daly de Gagne Daly de Gagne is online now
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Join Date: 01-22-2005
Location: Canada
Posts: 120
Stephen, I'm doing well, thanks, after fighting with a cold last week.

I think IE with tabs may take some of the appeal from Firefox. It remains to be seen how well MS will deal with its security issues on an ongoing basis, and whether Firefox can keep its issues to a minimum.

IE with tabs may take away from Firefox's appeal, but I don't think it will that much. For a few years it has been possible to get IE overlays which had tabs and worked, in some cases, better than IE irself.

I am not sure I want to fool around with what is a work-around for not having Firefox integration -- but it looks as though I'll have no choice.

I consider hoist virtually essential, almost with the same passion you have for unlimited undo. Hoist makes it so much easier to work with material from a tree that has many folders.

But what still peeves me most is that if I hadn't gone back to re-read a post dated some months ago, I wouldn't have discovered the roadmap changes. I didn't even know that you could change a post without having it show the date it was modified. I think as a matter of policy any roadmap changes need to be given their own post so there is not ambiguity about when it was written and/or changed.

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