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Old 06-24-2005, 11:20 PM
Daly de Gagne Daly de Gagne is online now
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Join Date: 01-22-2005
Location: Canada
Posts: 120
Kevin, I'm running into some buggy behaviour with the browser. I open up Google, either from the Search pane, or the favourites menu, or by typing in the url.

I put a name in the search box, "running."

Google gives me a listing of the results.

I select Runner"s World, and that page opens.

I use the reverse arrow to go back to Google.

BUT...when I use the forward arrow, and the little balloon comes on and says "forward to Runner's World," I use the forward button, and instead of Runner's World, I get the "Page cannot be displayed" page.

I do not know when this will occur, but can say it occurs much, much more often with UR's built-in browser than it does with IE stand alone or Firefox. It's a PITA.

So is the fact that if I open Google from the Search pane, put in a search term, and then select a page from the resulting list, if I use the store button, UR saves Google, not the page that is currently displayed. To avoid this situation, I just put the url in manually.

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